


to the web-site of the association for tourism in Javerlhac and Chapelle Saint Robert

in the beautiful green Perigord.

The commune is part of the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin. On its territory are four monuments historiques: the castle and church in the village Javerlhac, a fomer royal forge with two bridges at the hamlet Forgeneuve, and in the village of Chapelle Saint Robert a roman church recently renovated.

We have several footpaths (hiking paths) - the oldest and best known is the one called  "de la Pierre Virade".

The village of Javerlhac has many “amenities”

  • Town hall (open monday to friday, saturday closed)
  • Post office (open from tuesday to friday 9-12 and 2-4 pm, saturday 9-12, closed on monday)
  • Hotspot wifi (in front of the town hall)
  • Central Bar – bistro/menu
  • Hotel/restaurant/bar
  • 3 Bakers (on tuesdays and fridays pizza to order)
  • Butcher shop (picnic food)
  • Chemist
  • 2 Doctors full time in the village
  • 3 Hairdressing salons
  • Grocery store open daily
  • 2 Garages, 1 fuel+mechanics, 1 mechanics
  • Other services available
  • Fish store (mobile) tuesday morning only
  • Burger bar (mobile) sunday evening only

Tourist information is open from Tuesday to Saturday 9 am to 12 am  31 square du 11 novembre, 24300 Javerlhac-et-la-Chapelle-Saint-Robert

Tel. 05 53 56 12 65

This website are staffed by volunteers. Therefore news and updates are completed when time allows.

* The castle of Javerlhac, 16th century,

* Forgeneuve, lmill, former blast furnace which produced canons (17th-18th century),

* The church Saint Etienne in the village Javerlhac (12th, 18th century) with a twisted spire.

* The church Saint Robert in the village Chapelle St-Robert, (12th century).

Hotspot Wifi

in front of the 'mairie'


Blog - All the posts

 4 members
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Elections municipales 2020  -  by webmaster

About the elections - only available in French

deux Listes-Javerlhac_001.jpgLe 15 mars aurons lieu les élections municipales et, cette année, nous avons deux listes dans notre commune de Javerlhac-et-la-Chapelle-Saint-Robert.

Published on 11/03/2020 ! 13:07 
Forgeneuve  -  by webmaster

In French:

Le département de la Dordogne a lancé un budget participatif.

Nous venons d'apprendre que le projet de reconstitution de la forge royale de Forgeneuve a été retenu! (la liste des projets retenus: ICI)

Félicitations smilesmilesmile


La fosse de coulée de canons

Published on 17/12/2019 ! 15:42 

Until last week, I thought I knew what animal is represented by this sculpture high on a wall. Now I doubt and have 6 different propositions. So please tell me what you see.

The picture I always showSculpture-animal-au-soleil

and below the same view without sun...

Sculpture-animal-JaverlhacFinaly I tried to take a picture from the left ...


and from the right ...


Published on 14/08/2019 ! 22:03 

A small bench near the river.


Published on 28/06/2019 ! 10:32 
Art exposition June 2019  -  by webmaster

Two pictures from the vernissage in Javerlhac, June 2019



Published on 28/06/2019 ! 10:15 

Fountain Sainte Marguerite on France 3 (February 18th 2019) four more stories on France3 regions.

Published on 05/03/2019 ! 21:51 

On Sunday February 17th 2019, Jérôme Pernoo and his cellist students gave an exceptionnel concert on the Domaine of Montagenet. The concert was organised by Clavicorde.

10 cellistes in Montagenet

Published on 19/02/2019 ! 14:06 
Javerlhac on television  -  by webmaster

Article and video Franceinfo-France 3 (in French) link18/01/2019

Published on 20/01/2019 ! 00:59 
January 2019  -  by webmaster

January 11th, new year greetings of le maire

January 6th concert at Domaine de Montagenet organised by Clavicorde: trio Adrian Receanu Titansambl (Cyril Dupuy, cymbalum; Adran Receanu, clarinette, caval et fluier; Frédérick Fraysse, contrbasse)


Le maire de Javerlhac lors des vœux


Frédérick Fraysse, Adran Receanu, Cyril Dupuy

Published on 17/01/2019 ! 10:46 

Competitions of communes to bring your glass to the special containers.


Published on 22/12/2018 ! 18:08