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About the elections - only available in French
Le 15 mars aurons lieu les élections municipales et, cette année, nous avons deux listes dans notre commune de Javerlhac-et-la-Chapelle-Saint-Robert.
In French:
Le département de la Dordogne a lancé un budget participatif.
Nous venons d'apprendre que le projet de reconstitution de la forge royale de Forgeneuve a été retenu! (la liste des projets retenus: ICI)
La fosse de coulée de canons
Until last week, I thought I knew what animal is represented by this sculpture high on a wall. Now I doubt and have 6 different propositions. So please tell me what you see.
The picture I always show
and below the same view without sun...
Finaly I tried to take a picture from the left ...
and from the right ...
Fountain Sainte Marguerite on France 3 (February 18th 2019) four more stories on France3 regions.
On Sunday February 17th 2019, Jérôme Pernoo and his cellist students gave an exceptionnel concert on the Domaine of Montagenet. The concert was organised by Clavicorde.
Article and video Franceinfo-France 3 (in French) link18/01/2019
January 11th, new year greetings of le maire
January 6th concert at Domaine de Montagenet organised by Clavicorde: trio Adrian Receanu Titansambl (Cyril Dupuy, cymbalum; Adran Receanu, clarinette, caval et fluier; Frédérick Fraysse, contrbasse)
Le maire de Javerlhac lors des vœux
Frédérick Fraysse, Adran Receanu, Cyril Dupuy
Competitions of communes to bring your glass to the special containers.