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Disparition of a public footpath in the commune of Javerlhac -
The field is at the crossrod "boucle romane" (circuit 3) and circuit 4, between Le Buisson et la Chapelle
Somes pictures taken on 12 decembre 2023 in Javerlhac
the small fountain is hardley visible and the footpath under water.
Water in front of the church of Javerlhac ....
... and inside
The small supermarket is open.
The fountain near the water mill of Javerlhac is repared; The name : fontaine des dames or fontaine des amours.
From July 2023 on the tourist information in Javerlhac will be in the former townhall.
A happy new year to all of you.
The mayor of Javerlhac made a speech on Monday, he talked about all the tourists that visited the area and the new "boite à livres" (There are some books in Englisch). He just forgot to mention that our association opened the tourist information and had the idea of the book shelf.
Salle de la Garenne, Javerlhac (16 janvier 2023
Nativity scene, Teyjat
Our association put a signboard with information avout the history of Javerlhac's church next to the building.
It is only in French, but maybe the illustrations are enough .